Best Drinking Water Options in Australia

As you may know, our bodies are made up of around 70% water, just like the earth vs land proportion. There’s no doubt that water is important, with Nasa stating it is critical for life. Simply by it existing, it allows life to exist, so imagine what can be done when we maximise its value within us.

Before I dive into what I believe can be helpful in maximising the benefits of water, I want to mention the downsides of having slightly less water (even as little as 2% less water). Dehydration can cause a range of decreasing performance factors including weaker muscles, headaches, lowered mental strength and more.

How about the upside, something so critical to life and performance would surely have massive benefits right? The top article I found on google simply said, drink water before exercise. I think we can do far better than that. Uncovering the things hidden in plain sight may help us to advance further than before, and I think water consumption is one of them.

A quick fact, the Eastern World (some knowledge gained from Sadhguru on Youtube) is that water holds energy, and that energy can be passed onto others as drinking water. In much of Western society, this concept is overlooked. 

Ways to Increase the Health of Your Water

Water is critical. Water can be improved. What will you do to ‘prepare’ your water?

We put so much effort into cooking incredible meals, but then our water is often poured from a single filter or straight from the tap and perhaps cooled in the fridge. Let’s amplify it!

Chemistry of Water

There’s a few layers of science that come to mind. The first is the chemical element. Filters generally look to alter the chemicals of the water, by taking out hidden nasties and sometimes look improving the nutrients of the water.

Reverse Osmosis Filters

Reverse osmosis filters look to remove metals, salts but also remove important minerals to.

Alkaline Water Filters

Alkaline filters are said to help regulate pH levels in the body along with a range of other benefits, is this partly due to a highly acidic diet though, and if we eat healthy, would we have too much alkaline? For those with conditions like acid reflux, this might be helpful, but changing up the diet may be more beneficial.

Hydrogenated Water

Adding hydrogen to water is said to have antioxidant properties and there is mention of improved muscle recovery. From personal experience, the hydrogenated water bottle seems to help increase energy, reduce the need to drink so much water (which was causing some stomach bloating due to the volume) and speed up recovery from workouts. One way to perhaps test out the benefits, could be to visit a wellness studio that offers an oxygen therapy tank or hypobaric chamber.

Physics of Water

The food and health world often forget the physics of things, and water is no exception. The physics of water relates to how the molecules structure themselves, including electrons and hydrogen bonds.

According to Dr Emoto’s research (as seen below in the video), water holds memory. When it bounces through the waterways and pipe systems of the public water systems, it picks up energy. Those areas are not sunlit, they are industrial, and they are often old and somewhat unkept and this may not be the type of memory and energy you are hoping to absorb to every cell in your body.

Reset the Memory, Create Your Own

It is said that magnetised water, or structured water can help reset the memory of water, allowing you to impart positivity to the water you drink. Magnetised water filters can be whole house or even a travel filter, it simply uses magnets to magnetise the water and structure the layout of the atoms.

Most research points to the magnetised water filter as offering much softer taste experience, especially when compared to ‘hard water’. But taking it a little deeper might give us an advantage of the substance that can allow life to exist.

Once you’ve reset the memory of your water, just like natural streams in sunlit pastures do, you can impart your energy and positive thoughts to it. Just like a meditation, while holding the water, set your intentions for the water to help bring good health, wealth, relationships and opportunities (or whatever your focus is).

Charge The Water

If you thought the last one was out there, this one might make you think, “what on earth is this all about?”. Research has shown many benefits from this one, ranging from using salt to calm prisoners to sharpening razor blades to increasing harvests of farmland and oil wells.

The next step is to energise and amplify the water. Pyramids have been used in studies as mentioned above to increase harvests. Using a copper pyramid situated in the sun, to charge the energised water, can help amplify the intentions and power of the water you drink.

Gratitude for Drinking Water

The final step is to feel gratitude for the water and acknowledge how hydrating it will be as you feel it hydrate your cells. The gratitude, just like the intention setting can also incorporate your focus at the moment, such as health, wealth and good relationships.

Preparing Your Best Water

Just like a home cooked roast, there’s something special about things that have had care taken in their preparation. Preparing your water well, you can fill your body with a substance that holds energy and reaches every cell.

Remove the chemicals

Using the chemistry section in the article, clear out unwanted chemicals, metals, salts etc. from the water. Note that some minerals are important to have, so the next step could be to add the right minerals back in. Some alkaline filters add the right chemicals back in, like the Zazen alkaline water filter. Basically, take the bad stuff out, put the good stuff in. The water’s chemical makeup is now improved.

Energise the Water

Filter the water through a magnetised filter, or alternatively it is said the boiling the water can do the same, be sure to let it cool if you go this route!

Set your positive intentions on the water, charge it up in the sun (or a copper pyramid in the sun for amplified effects). Ideally a full day of sunlight will be beneficial.

Hydrogenate the water, it’s best to do this after it sits, as the hydrogen will leave the water after a period of time, so doing this beforehand would mean the additional hydrogen will have left the water.

Finally, it’s time to drink up, send your gratitude for the energised and positive water before you drink it. 

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