How to Boost Performance with Drinking Water

How to Boost Performance with Drinking Water

Feel Energised Simply by Drinking Water

Water makes up the majority of our body (60 – 70%), contained in cells, with the brain comprising of around 80%-95% water. Compared with food and other matter, water is the most abundant requirement we have as humans. As such, putting our focus to probably the easiest change we can make and possibly one of the most impactful might help drive you towards your goals faster.

In the article, Best Drinking Water Options in Australia, I take a look at a number of reasons how and why the quality of water can impact our health and wellbeing. Preparing your water, just like you would a delicious meal, could impact more cells in your body than powerful supplements. By creating energised and refined water that carries the right message to each cell, you can fill your body with highly hydrating and nurturing water.

Since water goes to every cell in the body, you can maximise water’s benefits by enhancing its physical structure.

Hydrogenated water offers a range of potential benefits ranging from physical performance increases to better skin through to inflammation and weight control. The antioxidant features help to reduce oxidation and related negative impacts, and there is suggestion that hydrogen water can even improve your mood and overcome depression, according to early stage studies*.


Hydrogen Health Water Bottle

You can buy the hydrogen health water bottle and try it for yourself, compared to the amount of money spent on food, supplements and general living over the course of a year, you owe it to yourself to get the best water possible and fill your cells with quality.

 Hydrogenated Water Bottle

My Results and Experience

I received mine on the 9th of May 2023. One month after receiving the hydrogen water bottle, I had some serious gains in gym compared to previous 3 weekly check in periods, with the goal of gaining muscle mass and size. Here are the results:

Approximately 3100 calories per day with 5 days of training, 3 days of cardio and 1 HIIT session per week. This regime is very similar to what I’d been using for some time previously.

1cm increase in Chest

1cm Increase in waist

0.5 cm increase in hips

1 cm increase in thigh

1.1 kg increase in weight

While the waist did increase 1cm, all other measurements also increased and other the following 2 months gained an additional 2 kilos of relatively lean muscle mass.

During the check in period, this was the only major change that was made. I drank one or two of the hydrogenated water some days.


Why Not?

While there will always be people saying that things don’t work or aren’t worth it, for those looking to increase performance and get a little more edge over the competition, be it in your career, on the field or even in social situations from increased mood and energy, perhaps it’s worth maximising the one compound of elements that reach the majority of your body.

Unchained Energy is a gym supplement store, but at the heart of it, the goal is to help people reach their optimum performance, feel great and ultimately have a better quality of life. Water isn’t something that costs the earth, which is great! It is also why you won’t see many people promoting it this much, since it is not a big money earner. Water is readily available across densely populated areas of Australia, but the quality and memory of the water that fills your cells is something that can be improved by you.


The 80 / 20 Principle and Water Intake

You may have heard of the 80 / 20 principle. It can refer to concepts like 80% of the income comes from 20% of the clients, or 80% of the results come from 20% of whatever the topic is. For example, a business may look at 80% of their income, then focus 80% of their efforts towards that 20% group bringing in the profit, increasing the focus and improving the product for that group specifically. When it comes to the body, water makes up the majority of the cells, so it makes sense that improving the quality of water intake could make a large portion of living a healthier lifestyle.


How to Optimise the Physics of Your Water

  • Structured water from the tap, using an AHA Water – resetting the memory of water and making it softer to drink
  • Using blue glass bottles, fill them with structured water and charge them in sunlight
  • Pour the structured and charged water into the hydrogen health water bottle and turn it on.


Order your hydrogen health water bottle now and enjoy the benefits of hydrogenated water.  

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