How to Get Skinny… and Keep It Off

Getting skinny can be a common goal, so what’s the best way to lose unwanted weight and get in shape ready for the summer months.

Here’s what can be done to shed the kilos and feel great:


Create Healthier Lifestyle Choices

Building up a range of healthier lifestyle choices can help make the journey less exhausting to think about. Rather than diving in fanatically, it’s ok to ease in and build habits that can last a lifetime. Let’s dive into some habits that you can create.


How to get skinny by Setting Time for You

What’s your gym time? This is your time to take for you.

Mapping out a set time when you WILL go to gym, without excuses or outside forces likely to slow you down or distract you will be a huge advantage from the very beginning. Is the time you control most, before or after work? When are social events most likely to pull you away from your efforts for a better lifestyle and what are the times you can claim full control over. Set the time to head to gym, go for a run, bike ride or even stay put and do push-ups or use a skipping rope.


How to get skinny by controlling what goes in

Eating real foods makes a massive difference to your energy levels, motivation and ability to exercise. Remember that you have the ability to simply not eat foods that are heavily processed, high in saturated fats or high in sugar. The basic way to tell what foods are healthy is to consider if it is processed or is mostly a whole food. Some examples are chicken, tune, beef, fruit and vegetables.

When you eat, you think about it, lift the food into your mouth, chew it and swallow. Taking control over each of those decisions will help give you more power over not just your food intake, but your life overall.


Water’s hidden benefits and how to get skinny

Drinking enough water is important, as you will probably read on just about any health blog. Water is said to make up around 70% of the human body, a similar proportion to that of planet earth. Water hydrates our body, allows dilution and removal of waste and toxins, maintain normal temperature, allow for quality brain function and more

Nasa outlines water’s importance as being critical for life, as all living things are made up of water. There are studies that suggest water can hold memory and changes its shape when intentions are set upon it.

For a deeper dive into the biggest part of the body’s chemical make-up, check out this article on how to improve the quality of your water intake.


Set a Plan to get skinny and Stick to it

Setting a plan will help you stick to the plan. Making a reasonable and achievable plan will be critical in the early stages of becoming skinny or fit. Consider throwing in one meal a week where you can eat something that isn’t on the health food list so you have something to look forward to each week.


How to Create a Plan to get skinny

Creating a plan doesn’t have to be complex, so the important part is making sure it adds features of healthy habits that are an improvement on what you do now. Things to add in could include:

  • Whole foods breakfast
  • Protein shake with super greens
  • Creating a few meals that you can meal prep for lunch and dinner
  • Selecting a few healthy snacks to have throughout the day
  • 10 minutes of cardio (more intense than simply walking)
  • Some light strength training to activate the muscles and build on the mind muscle connection


Dropping a few kilos will be tough at the very beginning, but picture when you have shed some weight and feeling fresh. Picturing and feeling your goal can be a great way to head towards it, there are even studies that outline the positive effects of thinking of exercise and getting results through thought alone.


What to Expect when getting skinny

Phase 1 – The Unknown

As you begin your journey, you may feel nervous and concerned that the outcomes won’t be achieved. This is normal, but remember that to get the outcome, the right habits need to be developed. The first times ingesting quality foods may feel a bit unexciting, with the exercise being very difficult at first. Sometimes taking in food that’s healthier doesn’t feel as fulfilling, but trust in the process. Addictive chemicals and some parasites can be responsible for this illusion of needing to eat saturated fats, sugars and unhealthy foods, so that the cycle continues. Breaking this can be tough at first, but well worthwhile. Exercise may be tough to get into at first, even just to start or even putting on your running shoes and filling up your water bottle. As you build the habit of getting ready to do a workout, go through the steps of exercise and slowly become more fit, the physical activity component will become far easier. 

Phase 2 – Feeling results

You will probably start to feel healthier, more energetic and happier as a result of better food choices and the positive biochemicals created through physical activity. This is a great stage to enter, you’ve broken the initial barriers of starting, and on your way to hitting goals.

Phase 3 – Seeing Results

You may not see the results yourself, but others may start to notice results. Since you see yourself in the mirror every day, gradual change isn’t easily noticeable. For the rest of the world, who sees you once in a while, they might notice the shift and even ask about your progress and what you’ve been doing.

Phase 4 – Big Shift

You might see some decent and fast results coming through from your efforts. The big shift is when the initial results show up heavily. This is when you can really feel and see the results, and probably start to enjoy the process of living a healthier lifestyle. You will feel more energised and other things in life will seem to be better than before.  


Getting skinny and losing weight isn’t about unhealthy choices, but about being healthier as a person. The steps above aren’t just for getting skinny, they are for you to build healthier eating and activity habits to take with you throughout life.

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